Practical Tips to Help Overcome Picky Eating Habits

Many parents and caregivers struggle with expanding options when it comes to food. We all remember when we were younger and our parents telling us to eat our veggies! There are a few techniques from an ABA perspective that could help your child develop better, healthier eating habits while expanding their palate.

Create the space

In the world of ABA therapy, we often talk of enriching the environment. We want to create a positive space where the person wants to be, where their preferred items can be seen and they feel comfortable and safe. This should be the same when it comes to their eating area. While certain expectations can be delivered in terms of sitting at the table, manners, etc. it doesn’t mean we can’t create a space where they want to sit and eat. Perhaps you customize their area – a different seat, a themed place mat or eating utensils.


It’s important to give a menu of options for the picky eater and let them decide which non-preferred item to eat. The power of making decisions provides empowerment which will motivate them by providing a sense of control.

Rewards (reinforcement)

Start slowly with non-preferred foods and take baby steps. Reward even the smallest bite and give them really huge praise – like a mini party just for that one small bite! After the meal is completed, you can give a bigger reward, (one of their preferred items). Some parents use token systems as well where a sticker is gained for every bite. When they get a certain amount of stickers, a reward is given.


When giving non-preferred foods, it can be helpful to pair them with preferred foods on the same plate. Have them eat their non-preferred items first and use the preferred food as a reward. The goal is for them to associate the non-preferred food with the preferred food and level the playing field.


We want the picky eater to watch us doing it! Parents can role model eating healthy foods, and it might even be useful to show videos on youtube of other kids eating the healthy foods just to show that it is a general expectation in order to stay healthy.