Mental Wellness

Why Self-Care is Important for Parents and Caregivers

Taking Care of Yourself 

Let’s face it - being a parent is not easy. Everything you do always seems to revolve around your children, as they are your main priority. You spend every day striving to keep them happy and healthy, but when was the last time you did that for yourself? The concept of self-care may seem easy, but many parents struggle to make it a priority. Your emotional, physical and mental well-being is just as important as your child’s, so why don’t we talk about that more? The truth is, many parents have the mindset that their children always come first. Although that is true, there is actually a tie for first place; your child AND you. There is a lot of stress that comes with being a parent, and if you feel stressed out, that is OKAY. Practising self-care rituals may not solve everything, but it can help bring balance to your life and relieve stress. Make yourself a priority. Focus on yourself for a minimum of 5 minutes per day, that’s all you need to help maintain positive well-being.

“I Don’t Have Time for Self-Care”

Not having time seems to be a common misconception for taking care of oneself. It can definitely be hard to fit everything you need to do into a small amount of time, there are only so many hours in a day! That being said, in order to practice self-care, you must dedicate a block of time for you, and only you. This can mean getting up a little earlier, or it can be as soon as you put the kids to bed. Decide what works best for you and your routine, and make it your time. Choose how much time you want to dedicate to yourself for the day - you may only have time for 10 minutes today, but you may have time for 30 minutes tomorrow. Be smart about managing your time, but still make it your priority. 

Finally, practice self-care rituals that truly bring peace and joy to your life. Self-care should never be a chore, ensure you are genuinely enjoying your practices so that you can look forward to them each day.

How can I Practice Self-Care?

Self-care is anything that brings joy to your life; it’s different for everyone and there is no “right way” to do it. You can spend 10 minutes practicing self-care or 1 hour; as long as you take the time to focus on yourself, you’re doing great. Keep in mind to practice self-care rituals that maintain positive emotional, physical and mental well-being. Each aspect helps contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle. Here are SOME ideas on how you can practice self-care that contribute to all aspects of positive well-being, as well as how long each activity can take. But remember, the list is endless, so be creative and make this about YOU.

  • Taking a bubble bath or a long, hot shower → 20-30 minutes

  • Read a good book → 30 minutes - 1 hour 

  • Go to the gym → 30 minutes - 1 hour 

  • Drink a glass of water → 5 minutes 

  • Go for a run/bike ride/walk down the street → 10-20 minutes 

  • Meditate → 5-10 minutes 

  • Write in a journal → 5-10 minutes 

  • Eat something healthy → 5 minutes 

  • Cook your favourite meal → 15-30 minutes 

  • Stretch → 5-10 minutes 

  • Listen to your favourite music → 5-10 minutes 

  • Watch an episode of your favourite TV show → 30 minutes 

  • Treat yourself to your favourite junk food → 5 minutes 

  • Stand in the sunshine → 5 minutes

  • Plan out your day → 5 minutes 

  • Go shopping → 1 hour 

  • Call someone you love → 5-15 minutes 

  • Take a nap/sleep in/go to bed early → 20 minutes 

  • Watch the sunrise/sunset → 20 minutes 

  • Read daily affirmations or inspirational quotes → 5-10 minutes 

  • Make a gratitude list → 5-10 minutes 

  • Do something that makes you smile

  • Do something that makes you laugh

  • Set goals for yourself, both short term and long term 

  • Try something new